August 9

Drainage and Your Home: How Concrete Leveling Can Fix Sidewalks That Don’t Slope Away

Did you know that a simple tilt in your sidewalk can lead to major foundation problems? Have you ever wondered why sidewalks slope away from a house in the first place? It's not just for aesthetics! This simple design keeps water flowing away from the foundation. They can help prevent costly repairs down the line. 

If your sidewalk is sloping toward your home, it could spell trouble. TK Concrete Lifting can help reverse this problem. By using polyurethane foam, we offer an efficient solution. This method was designed for problems just like this. 

Water is essential for life, but not for your home's foundation! Did you know that proper drainage plays a crucial role in protecting the investment into your home? Let's explore how water can damage your foundation.

Table of Contents:

The Trouble with Water in Your Foundation

Your home’s foundation is one of its most important components. The structural integrity of your house literally rests on it. Because of this, homeowners prioritize maintaining and protecting their home's foundation.

Imagine a constant push against your home's foundation. Unfortunately that is the reality when water accumulates around your family’s home. It’s called hydrostatic pressure. Imagine relentless rainwater gathering and creating pressure against your safe haven. Excess water can cause the ground to swell and push in on the foundation’s walls. This can lead to cracks and other structural damage.

Water can also cause other damages to your home. If you’ve ever dealt with a flooded basement, you know the nightmare that is to deal with. It can lead to health concerns due to mold that forms due to the excess water in the ground around your foundation.

If hydrostatic pressure isn’t relieved and it continues to build, it can lead to serious damage.

To fight against this you want to reduce the amount of overly wet soil around your foundation. As a homeowner, you can correct this problem by making sure the soil dries out by addressing the source of the excess water. You also will need to direct that future moisture away from your home’s foundation.

We will explore one of those ways next.

Why Sidewalks and Patios?

Concrete patios and sidewalks offer many benefits to your home. They provide safety, functionality, and beauty. Sidewalks can provide a safer path for your young children and elderly people in your life. Many of us remember warm summer nights with friends on a patio. Sidewalks and patios can also be a part of the visual appeal of your home. They can be designed to be a key part of the landscape around your house. 

Concrete patios and walkways aren't just about functionality; they're about creating lasting memories and fostering a sense of security for your loved ones. Another benefit of having concrete around your home is for structural integrity. They help direct moisture away from your foundation.

Patios and sidewalks around a house provide a protective barrier against water damage. By guiding water away from your foundation, they ensure a dry and healthy environment for your family. Patios and sidewalks help to maintain the foundation of your home and prevent costly repairs.

Remember we are trying to resolve the issue of excess water around your home.

The Importance of Leveling Concrete for Proper Drainage

Imagine waking up to a rainy morning, but feeling a sense of peace knowing your home is protected. We have already explored how water can cause damage to your home. Remember, water-heavy soil causes hydrostatic pressure on your foundation. Luckily, there are ways to keep that precious rainwater flowing away from your cozy haven.

Initially, the excess water could be addressed in several ways.

You could start by simply grabbing your ladder and cleaning your gutters. You can also make sure the downspouts aren’t pooling water around your home. Other options could be grading your yard or installing a water drainage system.

Another key benefit to patios and sidewalks is that they help provide drainage.

Concrete around a house can be designed to facilitate proper drainage. It allows water to flow away from the foundation and reduces the risk of water accumulation. This helps to prevent water from seeping into the house and causing damage.

The key lies in the slope. Patios and sidewalks around your house should be tilted away from the foundation. By being slightly tilted away from your foundation, they create a natural slope that directs water runoff towards your yard or drainage system. This simple slope ensures water flows away from your home. In doing so, it minimizes the risk of foundation problems.

One of the issues you may be facing is that your sidewalks or patio is working against you.

If your sidewalk or patio is sloping towards your home, it is directing water to your foundation! It is leading to the problem you are trying to prevent.

Now, if you discover your sidewalk or patio slopes the wrong way, don't panic! There are solutions, like polyurethane foam injection, that can help level your concrete and ensure your home's continued well-being.

Fixing a Sloped Sidewalk

Don't let a sloped sidewalk cast a shadow over your enjoyment of your outdoor space! There are methods to address the issue. The unfortunate slope on your sidewalks can be fixed. You can enjoy your patio and not worry every time there is a thunderstorm.

While complete removal and replacement is an option, it's often the most expensive, disruptive, and time-consuming. Luckily, there are other methods! Polyurethane foam injection is a clean and effective way to lift concrete without the use of heavy equipment. We use a lightweight, high-density foam that's specifically designed for the job. Mudjacking offers a similar lifting approach. But it can be messier and more costly compared to foam injection.

Foam-lifting is a great solution. This innovative material effectively lifts your patio, ensuring water flows away from your home and towards your yard. It gently lifts your sidewalk so that its slant now works for you! It gives your foundation a helping hand, keeping it safe and dry for years to come.

Polyurethane foam is a unique method that provides many benefits.

  • It is a durable and efficient method to address the slope of your concrete. With the precise control of our experts, we can correct the problem in a timely manner.
  • At just 4 pounds per cubic foot, this innovative material is lightweight. It effectively lifts the concrete and offers a gentler touch on your concrete.
  • It is a more affordable option. Polyurethane foam offers a competitive price. It also does not use a lot of heavy machinery that can damage your lawn and landscape.

Polyurethane foam offers a durable, efficient, and affordable solution for fixing sloped concrete. We can restore your peace of mind and keep your home safe.  


Think you might have a sneaky sidewalk working against your home? No worries! There's a friendly solution waiting to help!

The polyurethane foam injection we offer at TK Concrete Lifting is a clean and affordable way to gently nudge your sidewalk back to where it belongs. It's a quick process that minimizes disruption, so you can get back to enjoying your beautiful patio in no time.

Imagine the peace of mind knowing your foundation is safe and your outdoor space is worry-free. That's the magic of polyurethane foam!

Ready to take control and give your home the TLC it deserves? Contact Travis at TK Concrete Lifting today for a free consultation. He’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you get started!

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